Lotte Asveld

assistant professor
Delft University of Technology (TU delft)
Biotechnology & Society
Research interests:
responsible innovation
social Learning
Short CV / biography / description of scientific focus and achievements:
Lotte Asveld is an assistant professor at Delft University of Technology studying the societal aspects of biotechnology. Her main research interests concern responsible innovation in the field of biotechnology and synthetic biology: how can the uncertainties around promising new technologies be addressed societally? Lotte has worked as a postdoc researcher in the department of Philosophy at TUD at the VICI project: New Technologies as Social Experiments: Conditions for Morally Responsible Experimentation. Lotte also worked as a researcher at the Rathenau Insituut for technology assessment, focusing on the bioeconomy, and as a freelance researcher in China.
Relevant publications:
Asveld, L. (2016) The benefits of Governance by Experimentation: the Case of the Bio-economy. Science and Engineering Ethics
Ganzevles, J., L. Asveld & P. Osseweijer (2015) Extending bioenergy towards smart biomass use Issues of social acceptance at Park Cuijk, The Netherlands Energy, Sustainability and Society, Online First DOI 10.1186/s13705-015-0053-9
Asveld, L. & J. Ganzevles & P. Osseweijer (2015) Trustworthiness and Responsible Research and Innovation: The case of the Bio-economy. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Values 28 (3) 571-588, DOI 10.1007/s10806-015-9542-2
Asveld, L, Ganzevles, J. & Osseweijer, P. (2014) Naturally Sustainable? Societal aspects of the transition to a sustainable bio-economy. Delft: Technische Universiteit Delft.
Asveld, L., Est, R. van & Stemerding, D (red.) (2011) Getting to the core of the bio-economy. The Hague: Rathenau Instituut.