Anna Garfi

Dr. Marianna Garfí is an internationally recognized expert in low-cost and nature-based technologies for waste and wastewater treatment, and also in sustainability assessment (mainly life cycle assessment and multi-criteria analysis). She obtained an MSc in Environmental Engineering from the Universitá di Bologna (Italy) (2005) and in 2009 she presented her Ph.D Thesis at the same University. After her Ph.D Thesis defense, she joined the Research Group on Cooperation and Human Development (GRECDH) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) (Spain). Since 2011 she is post-doc researcher of the Group of Environmental Engineering and Microbiology (GEMMA) of the UPC.
Currently, Dr. Marianna Garfí is leading the research line on nature-based technologies for waste and wastewater treatment and sustainability assessment at GEMMA-UPC. Her research activities aim to improve low-cost and nature-based technologies for waste and wastewater treatment (e.g. anaerobic digesters, constructed wetlands, algae-based systems) considering technical, socio-economic and environmental aspects.