Diederik Rousseau

Diederik Rousseau graduated in 1999 as a bio-engineer specialized in environmental engineering from Ghent University, Belgium, and obtained in 2005 a PhD in Applied Biological Sciences from the same university with a dissertation on “Optimisation of model-based design and operation of constructed wetlands”.
Between 2005 and 2011, he worked as a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Environmental Engineering at the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands. There he was co-responsible for the Masters Programme in Environmental Science, and conducting research in the field of Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment, all with a focus on water issues in developing countries.
In 2011 he returned to Belgium, to the University College West-Flanders which was integrated into Ghent University in 2013. He is now a professor in Environmental Sciences at Ghent University, and coordinator of the Master of Science in Engineering Technology – option Environmental Engineering.
Prof. Rousseau's main expertise is natural systems for wastewater treatment, in particular constructed treatment wetlands and waste stabilization ponds, with a strong focus on the optimization of ecotechnologies’ performance by means of experimental set-ups as well as model-based design. His own research as well as the results by numerous MSc and PhD fellows under his supervision has resulted in a large number of publications, among others 38 peer-reviewed SCI-noted papers, 8 book chapters and 39 papers in proceedings of international conferences. He is a regular reviewer for various journals, founding organizer of the WETPOL symposium series and has been a member of several conference Scientific Committees.