Eveline Volcke

Chemical engineer, (‘burgerlijk scheikundig ingenieur’), magna cum laude, Faculty of Applied Sciences (Engineering), Ghent University, 1999
PhD in applied biological sciences: environmental technology, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, 2006
Postdoctoral research fellowships of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) and of the Special Research Fund (BOF) of Ghent University, taken up at Dept. of applied mathematics / Dept. of Biosystems engineering, Ghent University, 2006 - 2011
EU Marie Curie IEF (Intra-European Fellowship) research fellow at the Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology (LBE) of the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), Narbonne, France, 2007
01/10/2009 - present Associate professor (100%, tenured) Dept. of Biosystems engineering, Ghent University (UGent).
Eveline Volcke is the founder and head of the research unit ‘Biosystems Control (BioCo)’, dealing with efficient and sustainable process design and process control. The group studies process engineering aspects, in particular the actual design and control of processes and reactors, through a combination of physical-based modelling and experimental techniques. The application domain concerns environmental technology, with a prime focus on bioconversion processes.
The ‘Biosystems Control’ group counts 1 postdoctoral researcher, 8 PhD students and 7 master thesis students (status on 15/2/2016). We are involved in international exchange programs and regularly welcome visiting professors, doctoral researchers and master students. Eveline Volcke is an active member of the International Water Association (IWA), being the chair of IWA Specialist Group on Instrumentation, Control and Automation and member of the IWA programme committee, among other responsibilities.