Kristof Demeestere

Kristof Demeestere (°1976) obtained his PhD degree in Bioscience Engineering: Environmental Technology at Ghent University, Belgium, in 2005. Since 2009, he is appointed as (currently associate) professor in the EnVOC (Environmental Organic Chemistry and Technology) research group. Analytical issues related to emerging and bioactive organic trace compounds in environmental (mainly water) and biological matrices are a central topic in his research. Scientific knowledge and experience has been built-up with state-of-the-art sample preparation and innovative chromatographic and (high-resolution) mass spectrometry based instrumental analysis. Research activities deal with both fundamental and applied issues. In a second and complementary research line, focus is put on environmental technology. Particularly, the degradation of organic micropollutants is studied by both biological and physical-chemical advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) like (membrane) biofiltration, ozonation, peroxone oxidation and heterogeneous photocatalysis. Early 2016, K. Demeestere has co-authored about 65 publications in SCI-journals (H-index: 20; > 1600 citations), and contributed to about 90 presentations at international conferences.