Pavel Jenicek

full professor
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague (UCT)
Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering
Research interests:
Anaerobic digestion
biogas upgrading
biomethane potential testing
energy self-sufficient wastewater treatment
microaerobic conditions
sludge degradability improvement
sludge valorisation
Short CV / biography / description of scientific focus and achievements:
- M.Sc. (1984) and Ph.D. (1989) obtained in UCT Prague
- Internships in Agricultural University of Wagenningen (prof.Lettinga) 1990, ENEA Bologna (dr.Tilche) 1992
- Management Committee member, Specialist Group on Anaerobic Digestion (AD SG since 2004)
- Member of AD SG Task Group on Harmonization of Anaerobic Biodegradation, Activity and Inhibition Assays
- Member of Specialist Groups on Sludge Management, Design, Operations & Costs of LWWTPs, Pretreatment of Industrial Wastewaters, Nutrient Removal and Recovery
- Co-authored two books and more than 50 research papers (web of Science), with almost 1000 citations
Relevant publications:
Krayzelova, L., Bartacek, J., Díaz, I., Jeison, D., Volcke, E.I.P., Jenicek, P. (2015). "Microaeration for hydrogen sulfide removal during anaerobic treatment: a review." Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology 14(4): 703-725.
Jenicek, P., Kutil, J., Benes, O., Todt, V., Zabranska, J., Dohanyos, M. (2013). Energy self-sufficient sewage wastewater treatment plants: is optimized anaerobic sludge digestion the key?. Water Science & Technology, 68 (8) 1739-1744
Angelidaki, I., Alves, M., Bolzonella, D., Borzacconi, L., Campos, J.L., Guwy, A.J., Kalyuzhnyi, S., Jenicek, P., van Lier, J.B. (2009). Defining the biomethane potential (BMP) of solid organic wastes and energy crops: a proposed protocol for batch assays. Water Science and Technology 59, 927-934.
Jenicek, P., Keclik, F., Maca, J., Bindzar, J., (2008). Use of microaerobic conditions for the improvement of anaerobic digestion of solid wastes. Water Science and Technology 58, 1491-1496.
Jenicek, P., Svehla, P., Zabranska, J., Dohanyos, M. (2004) Factors affecting nitrogen removal by nitritation/denitritation. Water Science and Technology 49, 73-79.