Süleyman Yüce

Süleyman Yüce is senior researcher at AVT-CVT. He is in charge of the water research group of AVT.CVT. Parallel to RWTH, he is the managing director of the STEP Consulting GmbH (SME), an engineering and training company located in Aachen Germany, working in the field of water and waste water treatment, desalination, water reuse, thermal and membrane processes. Being engaged in water related issues for both, research & development on one hand and industrial application on the other hand Dr Süleyman Yüce has acquired highly valuable experience in transferring research outcomes for innovative industrial solutions to their market replication. His engagement in the seawater desalination business for more than 25 years he has a broadly based expert knowledge at national and international level. Dr. Süleyman Yüce is co-author of the reference book “An Engineer’s Guide to Desalination” published 2008 by VGB (www.vgb.org) He has a chapter contribution to the book "Membranprozesse - Thomas Melin and Robert Rautenbach" published 2007 by Springer (www.springer.de), and a chapter contribution to the book "Water-Energy interaction in Water Reuse" 2012 IWA Publishing. In several EU funded projects, Dr Süleyman Yüce has different Roles, such as in Water4India and Water4Crops as work package leader in TRUST as task leader. Dr Süleyman Yüce is professionally dedicated to the topics revolving around water & energy research and their applications.